When the guest of a Michelin Starred restaurant in New York tested Covid 19 positive, the celebrity owner tweeted that every inch of the restaurant would be sanitized before re-opening – even though the health department cleared that there was no risk of transmission.

While the importance of cleaning and sanitization of restaurants has never be underestimated by hospitality professionals, the Coronavirus Pandemic has raised the awareness level about making the restaurant free of microorganisms that can cause food contamination or transmit diseases. Deep cleaning, pest extermination and sanitization by professional agencies  should be a strategy for  food and hospitality businesses to win back customer confidence besides being a moral responsibility to ensure no risks to staff or guests as well as the
owners themselves.

Cleaning means removing residual food matter, dust, grease, dirt, stains and odours from all surfaces, fixtures, utensils and equipment but sanitizing is the process of killing bacteria and other microorganisms that can potentially contaminate food and thus cause food poisoning or transmit infectious diseases. Therefore, together
with making the restaurant clear of visible dust and dirt it is important that sanitization is done so as not to compromise the safety of food and customers. With the Coronavirus pandemic, a growing number of people are becoming aware that sanitisation is one of the most necessary and important work that should be done by all the departments in the food and beverage industry.

Sanitation is important to:
– Reduce surface contamination to a minimal level.
– Contain and prevent the spread of harmful microorganisms.
-Maintain a hygienic surrounding.
-Eliminate risk of diseases.
– Save you, your staff and your customers from infections.
-These are some the areas in a restaurant that need to be kept clean, sanitized and disinfected.
o Kitchen with all equipment, cooking surfaces, utensils, etc.
o Tables, chairs and booths.
o Condiment shakers, bottles and other items on the table
o Door handles
o Windows
o Floors
o Bathrooms

These are some procedures that restaurants can follow for routine
cleaning and sanitation:
• When designing the kitchen make sure that you use tiles and other materials that can be easily cleaned and sanitized. For example, wood and paper can be avoided.
• While washing equipment, utensils and surfaces cleans them, sanitizing is necessary to kill the bacteria and viruses. This is why it’s important to make sure items are washed before using any sanitizing chemicals.  Make sure all the cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting chemicals you use in your restaurants are top grade and
preferably brands you trust.
• Ensure that all washing and cleaning is done before you use the sanitizing agents.
• Remove loose dirt and food particles.
• Rinse all equipment, crockery and surfaces with clean potable water. Wash with hot water  and detergent or cleaning agent.
• Treat with very hot, clean, potable water.
• Apply sanitizing chemicals as per instructions.
• Leave benches, counters and equipment to air dry.
• Undertake regular maintenance of the restaurant so there are cracks and loose tiles.

• Areas where food-borne disease pathogens can breed need to be
specially taken care of like wooden surfaces, wall paper, wall voids,
holes, ducts and air-conditioners.
• Wipe down utensils and surfaces with paper towels.
• Avoid high pressure sprays and hoses that can release aerosols that may spread microorganisms. You must have a schedule in place for your staff to ensure the following steps on a regular basis:

•       Emptying and cleaning of dustbins and garbage disposal areas.
•       Clean and maintain your kitchen.
•       Clean corner spaces thoroughly.
•       Keep all places dry.
•       Cleaning of all air vents and ducts.
•       Sweeping of floors.
•       Dusting carpets and mats.
•       Opening windows for sunlight to flood the restaurant.
•       Sanitizing hands on a regular basis.
•       Thoroughly wash every object that enters your premises specially the kitchen.
•       Cleaning the washrooms.
•       Wash utensils immediately after use.
•       Clean and trim any  plants in your restaurant, kitchen garden, patio
or balcony.

However, while routine checks and cleaning can be handled by the
staff,  you need to  ensure that a professional agency undertakes the
detailed sanitization of your restaurant, It is very easy to be fooled
about something you don’t know. The workers might just spray
something and call it sanitisation.

When hiring a professional agency for sanitization ensure that:

• They have technical experts in sanitization.
• They can help put in place a Monitoring  System that can help youknow the level of the efficiency of the treatment carried out at your premises
• The Sanitization Sytem they use also eliminates odour.
• Sanitizating chemicals used should be  Biodegradable and Non
Corrosive with PH Value as close to Neutral as possible.
• EPA registered and USDA approved Levels of active Chlorine should be used at the end of the Hose to  eliminates any microorganisms that can cause Diseases, Odour or surface Corrosion.
• The process should wash Dirt and Debris Away.

At Alfa Pest Control, the Sanitizer System is a fully patented Hydro Venturi Hose- end Sprayer System which is Precisely Calibrated , Scientifically Designed and Tested, Patented Sanitising System. The Hydro-Venturi System Produces a solution of Hypochlorous Acid that is upto 120 Times More Effective than Liquid Bleach.
The cleaning and sanitising system reaches all the corners due to its spraying pattern and there is no batch mixing required as the dispensed liquid is calibrated to the right PPM levels and complete odour if any will be neutralised. It does not have any residual effect and nor does it affect your facilities. It is unique continuous spray system which uses active chlorine in Hypochlorite Iron to sanitise all the hard surfaces.The Sanitising system is neutral in composition and does not react with any of the surfaces. The Sanitising System Protects Against E Coli,Clostridium Perfringens, Clostridium Difficile,MRSA, Listeria, Salmonella, Influenza Virus H1N1/H5N1,Legionella, HIV tuberculosis and many more.

The System Is Tested to European Standards: EN1276,EN1650 and EN1656.

Health is a priority. Safety is a priority. Sanitisation is a priority.

About Author

Shailee Milind Shah

A student of Liberal Studies at PDPU, Gandhinagar, SHAILEE MILIND SHAH handles the communications of ALFA PEST CONTROL, which handles various aspects of pest control and sanitation.


  1. Very timely article. I wish more and more restaurants take advantage of these services. How often should a restaurant hire a professional service? What are some best practices and how much should a restaurant owner budget for this?

  2. Congratulations for the educational paper! Well written and complete, a beautiful journalistic work.

  3. Shailee, your article is well written and sure the hotel n resturant industry needs to wake up and follow disinfection as a daily oractise.
    Somraj Jhala sent me this article of yours.
    I am happy to inform you that I have just taken up a product from Germany which is indeed a Food grade, non toxic and free of Aldehydes n phenol disinfectant specially meant for the hospitality industry. Once the lockdown opens I shall be receiving the product. I can be reached on 9825374573, and am based in Vadodara. Will also be looking to the entire Gujarat market for disinfectants.
    ~ Kumar Shah

  4. Great Going for Good

    Shailee Milind Team

    Blessings from Universe to All of us

    Right & Sustainable Process is the Need for our Planet 🌍
    Sure with Your Team and Friends, will be Successful in bringing Innovations in Process

    Mr Sheetal Panchal
    Mentoring Industrial Process Design Thinking
    Equipment Development

    Prototyping Testing


  5. Good compilation. Yes Sanitization is playing and continue to play important role after this Pandemic….Best wishes to you and the group to continue helping the society with Sanitization products.

  6. Hi Shailee,

    I read your articles and like it. Please forward me the contact of ALFA Pest Control person, who is handling Ahmedabad, I have a business to talk about.

    Thank you in advance.


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