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A Sustainable Seafood Hotel
 Tourism & Hospitality  Destinations

A Sustainable Seafood Hotel

  Nov 21, 2020

  Anil Mulchandani

The Sustainable Seafood Movement began in the 1990s. This movement aims to improve the well-being of the seas and oceans, the long-term economic viability of the fisheries industry and the livelihood of coastal communities vulnerable to factors like climate change, pollution and reducing fish catches. The movement has highlighted the dangers of overfishing and environmentally …

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Vegan-friendly Greenery Scenery immune booster salad
 Recipes  Features

Vegan-friendly Greenery Scenery immune booster salad

  Nov 16, 2020

  Chef Pravin Jha

This is a simple and straight-forward recipe using vegetables to make a healthy salad dish. Ingredients Beetroot Medium size 1 no (Glazed and oven-roasted) Oil (for glazing) 1 tsp Orange Nagpur Ambiya or similar 1 no Fox Nut 4 -5 no Roasted Almonds 4-5 no Iceberg lettuce 10 gm Carrot blanched 30 gm Celery Sticks …

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Environment Conservation in the Food and Hospitality Sector
 Entrepreneurs Speak  Tourism & Hospitality

Environment Conservation in the Food and Hospitality Sector

  Nov 13, 2020

  Parvez Malik

The luxury hotel sector has historically been a significant waste generator, leading hotel brands have made major progress to reduce their environmental impact by addressing issues like waste generation, energy consumption and water use. This shows the huge potential for all hotels to make a significant difference to their local environment. The power to make …

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About IFEA

Innovative Food Entrepreneurs Association is a networking and knowledge sharing platform for the food and hospitality industry.

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Anil Mulchandanai

Discover a seasoned writer with over two decades of expertise in the realms of food, travel, pop-up kitchens, and as a trusted advisor to hotels and restaurants, frequently gracing the pages of renowned publications and newspapers.

Dilip Thakkar

From the Founder family of 44 year old traditional Gujarati Thali Brand Gopi. Have walked hospitality and Tourism path for 45 years in various capacity and addressing Restaurant management course batch every year at IIMA .

Rohit Khanna

Meet a visionary restaurateur with a unique journey from the fast lanes of transportation and automobiles to the world of gastronomy, and now a IFEA co-founder shaping culinary excellence

Darshan Rawal

A Management graduate and Pizza Maestro, now a food consultant and chef. He also conducts cooking workshops, pop-ups, cheese-pairing events and training.

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